Goblins 3
Goblins 3, released in 1993 by Coktel Vision, is the third installment in the beloved Goblins series, combining quirky humor, intricate puzzles, and a richly detailed fantasy world. In this point-and-click adventure, players take on the role of Blount, a courageous journalist, as he embarks on a chaotic quest filled with bizarre characters and hilarious situations.
Unlike its predecessors, Goblins 3 shifts focus to a single protagonist, although Blount is often joined by companions who provide unique abilities to help solve puzzles. The game spans a variety of imaginative locations, from bustling towns to eerie castles, each packed with interactive elements and clever challenges that require creative problem-solving and experimentation.
Renowned for its hand-drawn graphics, whimsical soundtrack, and offbeat humor, Goblins 3 strikes a perfect balance between challenging gameplay and lighthearted storytelling. The game’s blend of quirky dialogue, complex puzzles, and charming animation has made it a standout title in the adventure genre, appealing to both fans of the series and newcomers alike.
Unlike its predecessors, Goblins 3 shifts focus to a single protagonist, although Blount is often joined by companions who provide unique abilities to help solve puzzles. The game spans a variety of imaginative locations, from bustling towns to eerie castles, each packed with interactive elements and clever challenges that require creative problem-solving and experimentation.
Renowned for its hand-drawn graphics, whimsical soundtrack, and offbeat humor, Goblins 3 strikes a perfect balance between challenging gameplay and lighthearted storytelling. The game’s blend of quirky dialogue, complex puzzles, and charming animation has made it a standout title in the adventure genre, appealing to both fans of the series and newcomers alike.
Release: 1993
Developer / Publisher: Coktel Vision, Sierra On-Line
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