
Dungeon Master

Dungeon Master Dungeon Master, released in 1988 by FTL Games, is a groundbreaking dungeon-crawling RPG that set the standard for immersive, real-time gameplay in the genre. Players embark on a perilous quest to recover the Firestaff and defeat the evil Lord Chaos, venturing into a sprawling labyrinth filled with puzzles, traps, and monstrous foes.

The game features a first-person perspective, allowing players to control a party of up to four characters, each with unique skills and attributes. As players explore, they solve intricate puzzles, gather equipment, and engage in real-time combat with a variety of enemies. The game's innovative interface lets players interact with the environment directly, combining inventory management, spell-casting, and exploration seamlessly.

Dungeon Master is celebrated for its atmospheric design, intuitive mechanics, and strategic depth. Its realistic lighting effects, sound design, and challenging gameplay captivated players and influenced countless RPGs that followed. Widely regarded as one of the most important titles in gaming history, it remains a beloved classic among fans of old-school RPGs.

Genre: RPG
Release: 1988
Developer / Publisher: FTL Games

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Dungeon Master
Dungeon Master
Dungeon Master



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