
Prince of Persia

Prince of Persia Prince of Persia, released in 1990 by Broderbund, is a groundbreaking action-platformer that set new standards for fluid animation and cinematic gameplay. Set in an exotic, ancient Persian setting, the game follows the story of an unnamed prince who must rescue the princess from the evil vizier Jaffar, who has given her an hour to choose between marrying him or facing death.

The game is renowned for its tight, challenging gameplay that requires precise timing and quick reflexes. Players must guide the prince through a series of perilous dungeons filled with deadly traps, such as spikes, crumbling floors, and swinging blades. Along the way, the prince must also engage in sword fights with guards who stand in his way.

One of the most innovative features of "Prince of Persia" is its use of rotoscoped animation, which gives the prince’s movements a lifelike quality, making jumps, climbs, and combat feel remarkably realistic for its time. The game’s intricate level design, which combines platforming challenges with puzzle-solving elements, keeps players engaged as they race against the clock to save the princess.

"Prince of Persia" is celebrated for its artistry, intense gameplay, and the way it blends storytelling with action. Its influence can be seen in countless platformers that followed, and it remains a beloved classic, remembered as one of the most iconic and enduring titles in video game history.

Release: 1990
Developer / Publisher: Broderbund

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Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia



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