D/Generation, released in 1991 by Mindscape, is a sci-fi action-puzzle game that immerses players in a suspenseful and challenging mission. Set in a high-tech skyscraper in near-future Singapore, players take on the role of a courier tasked with delivering a mysterious package to a research lab, only to discover that a deadly bioengineered entity has overrun the facility.
The gameplay blends exploration, puzzle-solving, and real-time action as players navigate the building’s floors, rescue trapped scientists, and battle rogue bioweapons. Each level presents increasingly complex puzzles, dangerous traps, and evolving threats, requiring strategic thinking and precise timing to survive.
D/Generation is lauded for its engaging isometric graphics, clever level design, and tense atmosphere, effectively combining cerebral challenges with moments of adrenaline-fueled action. Its unique premise and innovative gameplay have earned it a lasting reputation as a standout title in early 90s gaming.
The gameplay blends exploration, puzzle-solving, and real-time action as players navigate the building’s floors, rescue trapped scientists, and battle rogue bioweapons. Each level presents increasingly complex puzzles, dangerous traps, and evolving threats, requiring strategic thinking and precise timing to survive.
D/Generation is lauded for its engaging isometric graphics, clever level design, and tense atmosphere, effectively combining cerebral challenges with moments of adrenaline-fueled action. Its unique premise and innovative gameplay have earned it a lasting reputation as a standout title in early 90s gaming.
Release: 1991
Developer / Publisher: Robert Cook, Mindscape
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